In its short History on Earth, the Humanity has created and experienced many civilizations; empires and kingdoms, many tyrants and elites. And it still does now. What is a human tyrant ? What are the human elites ? Why were they created ? Are they still needed ?
A tyrant possesses absolute
power through the people in a
state or in an
organization: one refers to this mode of rule as a tyranny. Elites are a group of people who try not to have the same fate as the tyrants who often are hated, destroyed and killed. The fact is that elites and their powers are hated and called tyrants and tyranny too. For that the elites today are more careful not to show at all in the spotlight. They think that by working in the shade they can never be destroyed. But the fact is that now they are hated and hunted even more. It seems that they can not resist to their destraction fate too.
So what was better; to be lead by a single human tyrant or by an open or hidden human elite ?
What is better for the Humanity; one human or some of them to lead the Life of All on Earth ?
The time of the tyrants has gone and the world is still lead mostly by the human elites, which now are not hidden anymore. Many people today attempt to discover the secret powers who lead the life behind the scene. Now the elites are hated more and more and their conspiracies are mostly exposed and opposed.
There are many people who with their "conspiracy theories" discover and explain the ultimate cause of an event (or chain of events) as a
secret plot by a
covert alliance of powerful or influential people or organizations. Many conspiracy theories claim that major events in history have been dominated by conspirators who manipulate political happenings from behind the scenes. But the question is; who is the true Force behind the World Scene ? Who is the real Power on top of the Pyramid?
The Truth is that the God of All is the only dominance out there and noone can replace Him or His Power , His Position on top of the Human Pyramid.
Who is pretending to be royal or god and still rebelle against the true King ?
Is there still a so called tyrant or human elite who does play God on Earth?
NO. There was and is not a real Leader anywhere. The Human Kingdom is not even a true Kingdom.
The fact is that Humans did never build a Kingdom which cud really stand; rich or poor, left or right, Eastern or Western people. They all tryed through the History and they all collapsed. Many kingdoms, tyrants and all kind of elites were destroyed and now even their dust can not be found on Earth anymore. Why ? Because the humans can not play as gods for to long. The fact is that they are all puppets with their different roles in the Earth's Scene, where the Stupid Human Tragedy - Comedy plays. The Human History was like a wheel full of Crime and Blood.
Masses and even the tyrants were violetly destroyed and killd and their power often was lost over night. What about the fate of the today's elites?
Elitism usually draws envy and resentment from the lower classes and the counter-elite. They all have the same fate; their Begginings an Ends, with their History of the rebelle servants who liked to be gods and kings. It never happen for real. The servant, the slave became never a master.
The question is; why do humans want often to be on top of others, and have power over all ?Why were they called human gods, kings, tyrant and elites?
The fact is that there is not a real human power, but the sick mentality of the Mind. Tyranny and Elitism are present still in the sick human mind. God is the only One who controls the whole world and the minds of everything. He directs the Play in the Scene, the whole Human History. He is the real Power, the real Designer, the real King. And there is no other god or king. They are just lies inclueding the Satan, the Evil God. It is just an image, an illusion, a lie.
Satan (Devil) doesn't even exist. He is just a player in the Scene in charge of the Human roles and ill Human Mentality. Fear is the cause of all damages of the human brain, human mind.


Humans are consider the same as the other animals (specially apes), and the masses are often called the human "sheep". Those who came in power called themselves gods and they considered the rest; as cattles. The whole Human History is a product of the sick mentality, specially in the last century.
Freud has been very influential in the human mentality with his theory of the human
mind and
behavior. That influence brought more destruction in the natural human world. Many experiments are used in the human's minds.
The whole History of the Humanity is the History of the so called "human masters and slaves".
Since the Begining Humans did kill, abuse and slave each other and they all rebelle in the name of God or nation or power. That was their role, their nature, their mentality. Will the humans change one day and controll their animal instics and behaviours ?
For how long will the humans destroy and kill each other ? Forever ?
Will the Humanity destroy itself and all life on earth ?
Will the sick human being be ever cured ? Will the History of the Human Rebellion finish soon ?
Or will the Earth changes destroy and punish the Human Rebelle in the End ?